Every Child’s Life Matters
At Lambano, we strive to enable every child with a
life-limiting and life-threatening illness, to live their
lives to the fullest of their capabilities.
Lambano’s Programmes and Services:
Children’s Medical
Step-Down Facility/Hospice
We are a patient and family centred medical step-down facility for children and adolescents, who have been referred from hospitals and other facilities. We admit patients to our facility for further medical, palliative, rehabilitative and psychosocial care

Home-Based Care
After the child has been discharged from our Step-Down Facility to their homes, we place them in our Home-Based Care programme. A team consisting of a Nurse and either a counsellor or social worker will visit them at home until they are stable enough to be discharged from this programme.
Since 2001 we have cared for 30 HIV+ children in our Foster Care Homes. We have provided a caring and nurturing environment for them to grow up into productive members of society. Currently, we have 8 children who are still in school and who are studying further.