Vision Statement
To provide the best holistic care possible to the children and their caregivers, remembering the special needs and unique challenges faced by every individual child.
To work together and partner with the various government departments, training centres and sponsors to ensure continuous support & growth of the facility, personal development and sustaining support of employees and volunteer; and through this maintaining and growing the positive outlook, professionalism and accountability towards the children and their caregivers.
Mission Statement
The purpose of Lambano is to glorify God by nurturing and caring for children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses, physically, emotionally and with unconditional love. Lambano undertakes to assist all children irrespective of race, religion, colour, class, political affiliation or geographical boundary. We are entirely neutral in our approach to children in need, are non-judgmental and have an open-minded approach to all situations.
At the center of all Lambano Sanctuary’s activities are the following values:
To be sympathetic to the needs of our children, patients and families
Commitment to adhere to Lambano’s moral, ethical and spiritual standards
Treat the children with dignity while nurturing them and providing care for their needs
To be fully committed in body, mind and spirit to serve and care for the children in our facility
Ensure quality care is delivered consistently
To provide the best quality care possible